November 13th
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Join us for Social Enterprise Day, a full-day event dedicated to fostering innovation, collaboration, and growth within our local community. This event is designed to empower small businesses and nonprofit organizations with the tools, insights, and connections needed to thrive in today's evolving landscape.

8:30 AM - Registration, Coffee, and Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM - Welcome
9:05 AM - Innovation in Action
Sriram Bharatam, Founder and Chief Mentor, Kuza
9:30 AM - Panel Discussion: Social Enterprise & Community Wealth Building
-Dawn Lockhart, CEO, Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida
- Cindy Funkhouser, CEO, Sulzbacher
- Monte Walker, President & CEO, HabiJax
- Kristin Keen, Founder & CEO, Rethreaded
10:15 AM - Break
10:30 AM - Community Wealth Building - Doing Well By Doing Good
- Dawn Lockhart, CEO, Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida - Moderator
- Whitney Myer, Senior Vice President and Chief Community Impact Officer, Jaguars Foundation
- Emily Bellock, Senior Director, Community Outreach, THE PLAYERS Championship
- Susan Towler, Executive Director, Florida Blue
11:15 AM - Social Enterprise Challenge Opportunity: Social Enterprise Cohort Application The Link Business Partnerships 2025 Challenge Opportunity Awards
- Raghu Misra, Founder, the link
- Dawn Lockhart, CEO, Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida​
1:00 PM - Stadium of the Future and its Regional Impact
- Gregory Grant, EBO/JSEB Administrative Director, Office of Economic Development , City of Jacksonville
1:30 - 2:15 PM - Innovative Capital Resources & Non-traditional Sources of Revenue/Funding
Gregory Grant, EBO/JSEB Administrative Director, Office of Economic Development , City of Jacksonville
James Coggin, Senior Director, Grantmaking and Impact Investing at The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida
Iris Jones, Consumer Credit Counseling Services Manager, Self-Help Credit Union
2:00 -3:30 PM - Closing and Business Expo

Gain Practical Insights:
Leave with actionable strategies that you can immediately apply to your business or nonprofit.

Expand Your Network:
Build valuable connections with peers, experts, and potential collaborators.

Stay Informed:
Keep up with the latest trends and opportunities in the business and nonprofit sectors.